Hambere Village Stops Logging

Attempted logging barge landing site at HambereAbout 200 people stopped contractors for Success Company from unloading a barge with logging machinery at Hambere in January. The contractors didn’t have permission from customary landholders to land. Success Company planned to log registered land further up the slope. Police from Ringgi and Gizo were present but didn’t intervene against the protesters that had stones and mangrove spears.

This is the third time in three years that a logging company has tried to land at Hambere against the wishes of the landholders.

Operators of Hambere Homestay, Venti and Nedy Maena, told KIBCA that they have worked hard to build up their successful tourism business since 1997. Venti said, “We don’t want logging to spoil the nearby natural forest, making it unattractive for visitors.”

Hambere Village Stay, overlooking Tiro Congo lagoon and Mt Rano in the distance. ‘Logging doesn’t provide our future.’
