New 400m Conservation Area Visitor Access Fees
Starting December 2010, KFPL and KIBCA have set new kustom and management fees for visitors to the 400m conservation area and Imbu Rano Lodge.
This provides funds to allow KIBCA to better manage the area. The new fee structure has free entry for local people to encourage them to visit the area. It compares well with kustom fees elsewhere in the Solomons and considers the ability of visitors to pay.
New Kustom and Management Fees (400m+ area)
Accommodation prices within 400m+ area listed in italics
Category |
KI Indigenous resident unwaged |
Solomon Islander national | International visitor | |
Entrance |
free |
free |
$100/person/day |
$10/party/night |
$40/person/night |
$80/person/night |
Camping |
free |
free |
free |
Guides |
free (must use if available) |
compulsory |
compulsory |
Imbu Rano Lodge | price on application | $300/person/night. Price on application for KFPL staff or if accompanying an international visitor |
$300/person/night |
KIBCA Hut | $10/party/night | $40/person/night | $80/person/night |
All funds support KIBCA’s conservation work.
NB: All fees in Solomon Dollars (SBD)