Training for KIBCA staff

 Gillian Bui of KFPL with KIBCA Rangers and Guide during chainsaw training
Rangers Denis Poli Jack, Wayne Tefenoli and Donald Saepio take a break from business at Tetepare Island

Over the past few month KIBCA staff have received training in chainsaw use, how to use a GPS, First Aid and had an opportunity to visit Tetepare to see how the Tetepare Descendants Association (TDA) run the conservation and ecotourism programs on the island.

Staff and four community members sponsored by KIBCA took part in a two\day first aid course conducted by the RED Cross in Gizo. The participants were awarded a certificate in Essential First Aid for successfully completing the course.

Chainsaw training was expertly provided by the staff of KFPL and involved classroom learning as well as hands on experience.

Funding for the training program was provided through Australian Volunteers International's (AVI) Community Grant Scheme, a program that is supported by the Planet Wheeler Foundation. On Tetepare the Rangers participated in a range of activities including tagging turtles, coconut crab monitoring, monitoring leatherback turtle nesting sites, compliance patrols and learning about and participating in the eco\tourism experiences available to visitors.

For KIBCA Ranger Denis Poli Jack who was visiting a conservation area outside of Kolombangara for the first time it was a rewarding learning experience. “The visit helped me to learn abut conservation, about monitoring and marine protected areas. This will help me with my work as a Ranger on Kolombangara”, said Denis Poli Jack.

As more communities establish conservation areas and eco tourism ventures this type of networking, sharing of skills and ideas will become increasingly relevant and important for Solomon Islanders.