Those who visit Imbu Rano Lodge for the first time are usully overwhelmed by the location, the stunning views and the pleasant, spacious accommodation.
Information and latest news
Ride and stride - walking 1,500km for Solomon rangers
Make a donation to support Annie Knappstein and Ride and Stride, a 1,500km journey across Europe to raise funds for KIBCA rangers. Raised funds will equip and provide training opportunities to Solomon Islands Rangers.
more...Kolombangara Island
See latest news, information about visiting Kolombangara Island or view a map.
Kolombangara Island is a near circular extinct volcano about 30km across that rises 1,800m from the sea, forming the highest mountains in Western Province of Solomon Islands.
more...Stap foget lo Ibu Rano
Imbu Rano Lodge is where you can literally “chill out” and let the fresh mountain air of Kolombangara’s beautiful intact tropical rainforest revive your senses.
more...Conservation rangers monitor Kolombangara
Six new rangers joined KIBCA to maintain walking tracks, monitor forest health, check turtle numbers and spread the message about conservation.
more...KIBCA News - Mar 2015
WELKAM TU KIBCA NEWS FO MARCH 2015! Read the latest news from KIBCA including a women's walk into Patu Kolo, marine training, ranger recruitment, new track signage and the 2015 scholarships.
more...KIBCA says no to turtle poaching
Harvesting of marine turtles is becoming a concern on the north coast and other parts of Kolombangara. To address these concerns, an additional turtle monitoring transect will be added to Ropa in the vicinity of the proposed marine area.
more...Explaining micro-finance and sustainable livelihoods
Micro-finance refers to small enterprises developed by people based in the community who have a low income and no access to banking services. This could be a type of “saving club” which allows people to save and withdraw small amounts of money when they need to.
more...KIBCA presents at World Parks Congress, Sydney
KIBCA Coordinator, Ferguson Vaghi, presented to the World Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia on 14 Nov 2014 about the conservation work of landholders on Kolombangara Island in the Solomon Islands.
more...KIBCA Scholarship Program 2014-15
Through the continuing generosity of our donors, KIBCA’s Scholarship Program has grown larger again! A total of 126 scholarships have been awarded for 2014.
more...A new phase for KIBCA
KIBCA is entering a new phase. Up until now the emphasis has been on establishing the protected area and establishing KIBCA as a community-based voice for conserving the important biodiversity values of Kolombangara.
Places to stay
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