KIBCA Takes Court Action to Enforce 400m Agreement
Landholders on Lot 1 on the southern side of Kolombangara commenced logging above 400m earlier in 2010, despite signing the Community Conservation Agreement and agreeing to protect the forests above 400m. The Success Company is carrying out the logging
If logging takes place above 400m, the funding would stop for the school scholarship scheme, other livelihood projects and KIBCA’s operating budget.
KIBCA received extensive media coverage about the issue, including the lead story on page 1 of the Solomon Star.
KIBCA Executive are fully committed to supporting the ban on logging above 400m and approved Court action to prevent the logging. KIBCA was successful in getting the High Court to temporarily ban further logging. The full court hearing was held on 16 Nov 2010 and now we are awaiting the Court’s ruling.
KIBCA is determined to use Solomon Island environmental laws to prevent logging above 400m. Any further logging above 400m will be challenged in the Courts.
Logs taken from Lot 1 ready to load onto the boat - Sept 2010